Mezger Construction Inc.

Rely On Us For All Your concrete Needs

Leading Foundation Repair Contractor in Table Rock, NE

concrete worker with rake smoothing out concrete

Build a home on a lasting foundation poured by Mezger Construction. Our team will handle every aspect of the house foundation building process, from the initial survey to locating utility lines to pouring and finishing the slab. A properly poured concrete foundation is critical to the integrity of the rest of the building project. Whether it’s a simple, ranch-style home or a multi-floor project with a basement, we will pour the footers and slab with all the features you need to finish your dream home. Our team members are highly trained and detail-oriented, so nothing will go unnoticed when it comes to the building process. 

Restore a Crumbling Foundation

Repair a crumbling foundation before it affects the strength of the rest of your home. If you notice excessive moisture, cracked walls, or sagging floors, it may be a sign of a damaged foundation, and you should contact one of our professionals for an inspection. Performing foundation repairs before the problem spreads will save money and ensure the home is sturdy and secure. Our team will patch, re-pour, and reinforce the foundation to ensure it is stable.

     ● Start your home or addition building project right with a concrete foundation poured by the area’s leading concrete contractor. We will work closely with you through every step of the process, from the initial consultation to your project’s completion. There’s no team in the area with more experience working with concrete foundations.

     ● Restore a crumbling concrete foundation by calling our team to perform foundation repairs. If you see cracks or moisture in the basement, we will identify the cause of the problem and repair the root of the problem. Count on our team to restore your concrete foundation to full strength.

     ● Hire a professional team and family-owned business to manage your house’s foundation. Every other step in the building process relies on the foundation being done right, so be sure to enlist a company you trust. We understand the responsibility of pouring a concrete foundation and will take care to ensure everything is done properly.  

Call Mezger Construction at (402) 839-6365 for a free estimate on your next concrete foundation project.   

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